Tuesday, September 25, 2007

El pollo peanuts

Caddycorner to Dudley Morehead Hall is a slimey, cramped, greasy student eatery. The food is cheap, the beer cheaper, and ketchup is abundantly available. The french toast may kill you --- but what doesn't kill you will probably kill you eventually (it takes more than one visit to this fab spot to irrevocably clog those arteries). And for $3.15, this anytime breakfast is a much cheaper silent killer than cigarettes. [For non-SJSU econ readers, the name of this lovely idyllic spot is Peanuts.]

For SJSU alums there is something about Peanuts that sheds an aura of insurpassibility. In light of this, the following is clearly heretical and treacherous and should in fairness be treated as such.


The fact is that Peanuts has been surpassed. Caddycorner to Hazel Hall is a clean, open, bustling, charbroiled chickenry. 1/4 lb of utterly delicious chicken (choice of white or dark meat) for $4. And if you go easy on the coleslaw & fries your arteries will need to look elsewhere for clogging.

In short, El Pollo Rico totally rAwks...by comparison, everything else is just peanuts.