Sunday, November 05, 2006


Someone is trying to tell us something.
It may be inconvenient.
Will we heed the signs...

Global Warming: the Cause, Duration, and Cure (look closely-- it's all there)

Strangely reminiscent of how Congress allocates money for environmental purposes

Thou shalt not engross on thy neighbor (#s 6-10)

Harmonizing the marginal cost curve you face with the marginal social cost curve you create

The holidays have been dangerous for a long time...

Don't expect to blame belated Christmas gifts on a shipwreck. That excuse was old in 1887! Shop early, ship early, and even if you go postal from all the insipid holiday cheer...I'll have gotten my presents. Better yet, be environmentally sensitive and just e-transfer the cash.

The above is intended strictly for educational purposes... the writer accepts no liability for practical applications and/or uses. Should the reader find an aspect not funny, they are advised to proceed to a part they do find amusing. In the event of a hot-flash, the reader is highly encouraged to sit in a tub of ice… under no circumstance should the reader relocate to a polar region as this could result in further shrinkage of the polar ice cap. Donations should not be considered tax-deductible, which the writer sincerely regrets. Water should only be drunk out of clean-clean glasses—it is advisable to regard all others as contaminated. Merril is encouraged to swing away.

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