Thursday, April 26, 2007

make me lose control

I've determined after long and careful deliberations that I really ought not to relocate to Poland. In time I'm convinced that I could learn the language, adapt to the culture, adjust to the winters, and eventually rule the country. But, embarrassingly, I lack the necessary self-control to stop eating their chocolate. As to the hot chocolate here...

The upside to my overly indulgent behaviour of the past few days is that I'll probably never want to eat the sickeningly disgusting British and American wannabe chocolates again (which could generate significant international multiplier effects).

At any rate, I now have even more motivation to use my new, sparkling running shoes.


  1. You do realize that if you lack the self-control to stop, you will probably also find yourself unable to leave Poland, and then you will have de facto relocated despite your long and careful deliberations.

  2. Perhaps it is possible that I have selective self-control. (A certain red-head we all know and love can certainly vouch for that.)

    But, to return to my point (wait, not sure I had one... give me a second while I make one up). Okay, my point is that as long as swings, chocolate, and Mises aren't directly involved, my long and careful deliberations are pretty binding.

  3. Ah, but chocolate is directly involved in this case. But you've already managed to escape Poland's dangerous clutches, so your made-up point is moot.

    Although the image of a chocolate Mises on a swing will forever haunt my dreams, argh.

  4. Maybe I should go back to poland and have that made for the FEE folk!?!
    They could put it next to the picture of Milty... Ok, fine, they probably would put it next to the chessboard.

  5. Chocolate was not meant to be displayed, but was meant to be <SCHOMPF!>ed. Duh!
