Friday, August 31, 2007

chew toys

Alright! Admittedly it is a wee bit sad that ciabatta bread is the highlight of my day. In my defense, redhead replacement is a slow, arduous, arguably impossible project. As is finding fabulous people who enjoy bossing me around. Though I do appreciate the remote effort a certain dan-the-man made during the wee hours. (In rachel-land 8:30am is painfully bright and shiny.)

Today during class, it is possible that my mind began to wander. And if this indeed happened as perhaps the text messages to any phone number in my address book within the United States (consciously excluding Canadia seeing as that great nation is a distinct country and not within any nation-wide mobile plan) might indicate, one might argue that I wasn't paying quite as much attention as was warranted. This I cannot deny. I will not even use the fabled "but its a friday afternoon" defense in light of my glaswegian spring semester where I had approximately 6hrs of friday class. (Some observers might note my irregular attendance on these days... this is obviously and utterly immaterial.)

Seeing as this post has begun to wander most alarmingly, I'll return to my point.

Which is... I must start bringing my favorite chew toy, ie. wooden pencil, with me to classes. Without this incredible representation of markets, I have no decent way to keep from fidgeting. As the chairs are slightly swivelly and squeaky, my inability to sit still is annoying to my neighbors-in-law. For those of you who have never witnessed me in a classroom ( or a golf course for that matter... though in that instance I generally substituted a wooden tee) the pencil is literally a chew toy. Note to reader: don't ever ask me for a pencil... or at the very least have a can of lysol on hand.

Without this toy I struggle to concentrate on my creative non-curricular-activities-during-classtime. As a result, no imaginary makeovers have been attempted, no poetry composed, no random lists of inappropriate-things-to-say-that-might-make-people-think-you-are-totally-bonkers written, no mobile dart games played, no discussions as to the imaginary details of imaginary boyfriends commenced (perhaps more alarmingly, no imaginary boyfriends have yet been fabricated), and no clean pieces of paper have been desecrated with any unnecessary stray ink markings. Yes, you read that correctly... if one were to flip through any of my notebooks, not one malnourished stick-person drawing would be found!

Clearly, the stars are out of alignment and things are not as they ought to be. And if that ain't something to chew about, I don't know what is.


  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    if nothing else, it speaks volumes to a good education that you have finally and undeniably acknowledged that Canada is NOT part of this country. It took some time, but I had faith you'd get it eventually...

  2. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Does it always have to be about YOU?

  3. Of course! I believe that is rule 5a of the bylaws of the academy.

    That said, an astute observer might notice that my writing is only superficially self-absorbed...

  4. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Astute observation aside, many of the great writers of the Western tradition focused on topics that transcended themselves and strove to point people toward the Divine.

  5. true... however, other philosophical traditions understand that events follow directly from other events. While the event itself may be empty, it is nonetheless of some importance to appreciate the chain.

  6. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Speaking of pencils.....

    "He who takes his life for granted is a pencil without an eraser."

  7. Anonymous10:58 AM

    A few things: Pencils are indeed mighter than the sword, and Rachel, you'll surely agree since the opportunity cost of locating a precious one has proven higher than studying for a dreadful econometrics exams.

    Canadia is indeed a lovely, distinct country with the best maple syrup and poutines one will ever find.

    And finally, as a far as irregular attendances go, I don't think they can be written off as 'immaterial' given the momentary panic attack a certain OCD individual had due to a certain free spirit's fashionably late arrival for a presentation!

    Still love you though...Canadians and Americans: making it work.

  8. You need to email during class. Guess where I am right now...
