Saturday, December 16, 2006

Drops of Jupiter

I suppose its cliche to note that day-to-day life is an often surprising conglomeration of non-consequential incidental amusing events. Not to be confused with trivial. A life is defined by this odd-assortment and only the silly (or wicked) would be foolish enough to pretend that the proverbial "box o' chocalate" isn't important in a unique little big way. Its enough to unsettle even the hardiest cliche-slayer into a doubting depression, Is my life really little more than an over-used cliche? who will then curse the ridiculous redundancy of their thought.

Of course, embracing the fact that life maybe just won't be as serious as your alphaness demands might be a tad more... shall I say... livable. But before you dance al0ng the light of day, and though you act like summer, walk like rain, listen like spring, and talk like june, remember, that the big it isn't away out there.

For what its worth, my theory on the location of it... and one should note that while T, K, P, L, and J were all instrumental in this formulation, none should be held responsible for the end result... is that those drops of jupiter are adjacent to the fish bones.

Ok, not actual fish bones... metaphorical ones!!!


  1. Anonymous1:59 AM

    I really don't understand what you meant. Maybe I wasn't supposed to. I'd appreciate understanding.

  2. I suppose its not a good thing to be on the non-understandable author side of life. My apologies. I'm afraid I can't quite explain everything... since in a way that is exactly what the post is trying to get across. However, I can give a few tips. 1) I've been eating fish with bones has become a bit of a running joke over here just how preoccupied I am in never eating a single bone. and 2) google "drops of jupiter".
    I hope this helps.
