Tuesday, July 17, 2007

fine lines and wrinkles

Perhaps a wee bit late, I've determined that there might well be a certain amount of "crazy"in us all. The sort of insanity that wakes us in the muddle of the night (which is to be distinguished from the "middle"which is by a far a more rational state) and prompts actions that are slightly inappropriate.

It is of course common sense to stay away from the internet during this time of night since you'll be bound to self-diagnose yourself with some horribly incurable, painfully maiming disease. TV is another dangerous activity... infomercial executives could tell you (probably with a pie chart) just how critical the "muddle of the night" demographic is to their bottom-line. And speaking of pie, somehow, during muddle-times one feels compelled to consume all those healthy items in the fridge (i.e. the tub of butter, the raspberry cheesecake with white chocolate drizzle, the whipped cream, the $2.99 container of icing fudge). But even normal crazies know to stay away from hair dyes and mirrors...


  1. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Yep, I'm worse than a "normal crazy" - and I have the dyed eyebrows and hair to prove it...oy...

  2. Come off it... you be grand any old way you are!!!!

  3. Since normal is overrated, I imagine "normal crazy" is as well.

  4. Anonymous12:44 AM

    did you say 'dyed'?... :-/
