Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Spark Tips

10 ways to figure out if you are a 1L at GMUSL (in case you are in doubt).
  1. I say black -- you say dictionary
  2. Speed (hump) signs make you giggle
  3. Your significant other says "I love you" (for the first time) & you ask them to repeat the question
  4. You found 22 "good" letters in the alphabet (hint: L,R,W, & A aren't included)
  5. Affirming remarks from a professor are a triple-shot of espresso for thy self-esteem
  6. Drunken sailors & haunted houses are the highlight of a week
  7. Dune buggies should cease to exist
  8. Last friday night/saturday morning you unwisely & inadvertently mumbled something about promissory estoppel to your date
  9. You realize that some multiple-choice exams may require 33 essay answers
  10. You aren't sure what a tort is -- but you know Ybarra is wrong